Thursday, October 25, 2012

Explaining Honey Bee Biology at the Fair

A few folks asking about the differences between a queen bee, a worker, and a drone (male).

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

Last Honey Harvest of the Year, updated with video 3/1/13

70 lbs of honey harvested over the weekend. Wax not yet melted.  My wife in the video and me narrating.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bubblebee Man From the Simpsons

Shirt and License Plate Idea

Ideas for Shirt without Logos or Photos (preliminary)
Shirt #1
1. Turn 'em Out (Bees in Flower Field)
2. Rough 'em Up and Collect (Open Box of Bees)
3. Turn Them Back Out (Honey Jar)

License Plate Frame (in two line frame style)

plate #1 is the original frame I saw from another beekeeper, the rest are my ideas

#1 -Honey Beekeepers
     -Make the World Sweeter

#2 -Honey Bee

#3 -Sweet Honey
     -Bee Pimp

#4 -BEE

#5 -Here to Collect
     -My Honey

#6 -Hey Bee...
     -Where's My Honey

#7 -Here to Collect
     -Some Honey