Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Century (+1) Mark in Stings

Got stung in the face (cheek) and found that it didn't swell too bad and it went away in about two hours. That marked the 100th sting and then one on my finger tip. I am fairly immune to the bee's kisses (venom).

I put sliding entrance reduces to minimize the potential of wasp robbery. I also bought some traps for the wasp which are pheromone based so it is bee safe. But due to the rainy weather they will be put up on Monday.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Hive box labeling

Yesterday I labeled my bee boxes with the company name and phone number.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stings and Yard Development

93 stings so far this year ad counting.

I have most of the fence post up and I will have about 7 yards of red wood mulch delivered on Friday. I'm crossing my fingers for it not to rain.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Quick Design Logo

A phrase ("Bee Pimp") my girlfriend mentioned and I drew up on the computer.