Thu, September 22, 6pm – 8pm
4131 S Chestnut Ave
Fresno, CA 93725
The formal meeting begins at 6:00pm preceded by a social hour at 5:00pm.
On the agenda:
-Fresno Fair "Bee Booth" and "shift" volunteer sign-up
-Election of new officers
a. President
b. Treasurer
c. Education Committee Chair
-"Fall" beekeeping tasks
Brooks Ranch Restaurant
4131 S Chestnut Ave
Fresno, CA 93725
Phone: (559) 485-6951
Welcome to Tractor Apiaries, a local start up bee business located near Sanger CA. I have just gotten into the beekeeping hobby earlier this year. Currently I have several hives that I would like to rent out during pollination season to local farmers. My plans for this blog are to post answers to common questions regarding the beekeeping hobby and business, as well as other bee related topics.