Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Century (+1) Mark in Stings

Got stung in the face (cheek) and found that it didn't swell too bad and it went away in about two hours. That marked the 100th sting and then one on my finger tip. I am fairly immune to the bee's kisses (venom).

I put sliding entrance reduces to minimize the potential of wasp robbery. I also bought some traps for the wasp which are pheromone based so it is bee safe. But due to the rainy weather they will be put up on Monday.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Hive box labeling

Yesterday I labeled my bee boxes with the company name and phone number.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stings and Yard Development

93 stings so far this year ad counting.

I have most of the fence post up and I will have about 7 yards of red wood mulch delivered on Friday. I'm crossing my fingers for it not to rain.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Quick Design Logo

A phrase ("Bee Pimp") my girlfriend mentioned and I drew up on the computer.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Birth of CVBA forum

Just finished creating a forum for the local beekeeper's club, aka Central Valley Beekeeper's Association (CVBA). Join to see the information exchange and ask questions about the busy lives of these sweet workers.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Central Valley Beekeepers Association

Today is the last day of the CVBA bee display at the Big Fresno Fair. Checkout CVBA website for the latest news about the organizations activity and their up coming spring beekeeping classes.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Bee Movie Screening at Fresno State (Oct 18)

The movie is Queen of the Sun: What are the bees telling us?  Don't miss out on seeing a great documentary about bees and their current plight

Agriculture is huge here in the Central Valley of San Joaquin Valley and this is an opportunity to learn about the decline of bee populations and what a few people around the world are trying to do about it. Are the bees on the verge of total collapse and more importantly is our civilization the next to go after the bees. This is a great movie with very strong reviews, check Rotten Tomatoes if you want to verify (97% Fresh Rating). See below for screening location and movie times. Come see what the buzz is all about before its gone.

The Event (Location and Time)

Alice Peters Auditorium (PB 191) at the University Business Center
Free Parking in UBC lot
5245 N. Backer Ave. M/S PB5
Fresno, CA 93740

Movie Times: 6:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m. (83 min run time) with special Q&A with Director Taggart Siegel, Joe Traynor and Gene Brandi after the film.

Hosted by: California State University & Fresno Filmworks

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sept. Central Valley Beekeepers Meeting

Thu, September 22, 6pm – 8pm

4131 S Chestnut Ave
Fresno, CA 93725

The formal meeting begins at 6:00pm preceded by a social hour at 5:00pm.

On the agenda:
-Fresno Fair "Bee Booth" and "shift" volunteer sign-up
-Election of new officers
a. President
b. Treasurer
c. Education Committee Chair
-"Fall" beekeeping tasks

Brooks Ranch Restaurant
4131 S Chestnut Ave
Fresno, CA 93725
Phone: (559) 485-6951